Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization from Cyprus that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life, by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free trainings related with a variety of fields, such as education (including on-line education), inclusion, entrepreneurship and business, culture, labour market and lifelong learning.
CIP mainly aims at the development of education, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus for the development of projects, trainings and educational material. CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced in both formal and non-formal education.
WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in accordance with the Law on Associations in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia in 2011 by a group of people who believed in the stronger regional linkages and integration processes, especially through enhanced affirmation of its educators’ potentials. Operating from our office located in Belgrade for over a decade and with dispersed workforce in South and South east Serbia, WEBIN today represents one of the leading NGOs with regional work-coverage in the Western Balkans, the organization active in development assistance and cooperation field in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. WEBIN’s mission is to inspire new policy and practice solutions and assist next-generations of Balkans youth and adults to partake in regional developmental processes through actively contributing to evidence-based policy making and implementation of programs and projects that benefit all community members in core sectors – education, employment and social affairs, and sustainable development (i.e. agriculture, tourism, health, green and digital transition).
Founded in 1814, the Turin Institute for the Deaf works from its foundation with deaf people, deaf people with multiple disability and blind people from kindergarten to adult age. It is really involved in the training of educators facing the education of pupils with sensorial disabilities. The Turin Institution for the Deaf is an institution providing a wide range of services and activities, for deaf, hard of hearing and other linguistic and cognitive impaired children and adults, such as:
– Adult education for deaf and hard of hearing;- Vocational training and vocational guidance for young deaf , blind, autistic and other disabled adult students;
– Speech therapy and SLI programs and early intervention programs;
– Recognized National Provider of training for teachers;
– Home housing for deaf adults at risk of multiple discriminations;
– Kindergarten for Deaf and hearing children;
– Special need teachers and educators service in mainstream schools supporting students in collaboration with the local social services and school authorities;
– Specialized library and documentation center for teachers and parents;
– Special projects for the inclusion of deaf people in the society in the view of universal accessibility, with a focus on museum and cultural institutions;
– Projects with the Universities in the fields of researches, language rehabilitation and social services; European and international projects;
– Specialized mentoring and tutoring for students with disabilities enrolled in the 3 public universities of the region;
– Language classes: Italian, English, sign languages;
– Sensorial Garden;
– European Solidarity Corps;
– Counseling to public employment services.
Our school started its activity in 1932 as a professional school only for deaf students and changed its name over time as well as the students targeted for education. Most of the changes took place after 2000 when the school adapted to that period general needs of society. Nowadays we are called “Vasile Pavelcu” Special Technological High School and ensures educational services, recuperative therapeutics and professional training from early intervention level up to the 12th grade technological special education and high school for 326 children and youths in majority hard of hearing/deaf but also some of them mentally disabled, learning disabled, or with associate deficiencies.
We develop our students’ basic skills, attitudes and competencies for a better social-professional inclusion. In our school are working a number of 89 teachers. Most of our students’ families are poor (unemployed parents), some of the pupils come from single parent families or they are institutionalized having no family at all. We have a constant interest in social-professional integration of our students and in the improvement of the educational/therapeutical process. In order to follow our educational vision psychological counselling of our students and continuous teachers’ professional development, are very important.